Language – Translate This Site

Language – Translate This Site

Translations of Frodsham Town Council website are provided by Google Translate

If you have a JavaScript enabled web browser, you can obtain translations using the “Google Translate” drop-down menu located below.

If you do not have a JavaScript capable browser, translations of our site can be obtained via the Google Translate website.

The Frodsham Town Council website will be translated into your chosen language, however if you use the back arrow on your browser, you will be navigated away from the translated version of the website, back to the original English version.

When you hover over translated text, a pop up will appear with the original English text. Please note that email addresses will not be translated.


Google translate is a third party application which Frodsham Town Council has no control over. Its use is subject to the rules and requirements imposed by Google.

This tool is provided for your convenience, and as such Frodsham Town Council cannot be held accountable for any inaccuracies arising from this translation. By using this translation tool, you as the user assume the risk of any errors or inaccuracies and Frodsham Town Council will not be responsible for any damages that may arise from using this tool.

Please note that any translated pages are not part of the Frodsham Town Council website. Please also note that it may not be possible to translate all the content within the Frodsham Town Council website.