Precept Statement

Frodsham Town Council has reluctantly agreed to increase the Precept for 2016 to £58.16.

It was agreed at an EGM on Wednesday 20th January 2015, by five votes to four, for the rise to take place.

Chairman and Castle Park Councillor Mike Pusey said: “In an ideal world we would never increase the Precept to our residents, but after subsidising increases in recent years by using money from the Council’s cash reserves, it was felt an increase was now unavoidable.

Part of the increase has been due to ensuring the Council continues to comply with the minimum wage payment and new pension schemes.

Councillors have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to minimise any rise and it is hoped the increase for 2016 will help Frodsham Town Council keep any rise in future years to a minimum.”

The Precept is used by Frodsham Town Council to provide services and facilities for Frodsham including the allotments, cemetery, play areas, community orchards, Hob Hey Wood, Christmas Lights, the Christmas Festival, New Year’s Eve fireworks, grants to support to Frodsham Youth Association & other community groups, part-fund PCSO, some footpaths and the Festival of Walks.