The Critchley Sisters are set to bring their commitment and enthusiasm to bear on Frodsham Town Council
Judith (62) and Donna (56) have strong family roots here – the family moved to Ship Street in 1955. Although work and life commitments have taken them away from time to time, family ties have remained strong and have drawn them back. They are near neighbours on St Hildas Drive.
Judith is a retired Civil Servant and is involved in voluntary work, Donna works for Mersey Travel. Both support several local initiatives, The Stroke Club and help promote local businesses through the Big Bees Breakfast Club.
They both enjoy the local amenities and are keen dog walkers. Their interest in local government was rekindled at the last local election and they have continued to follow the ups and downs of the new Council. Recent resignations have given them the opportunity to step up and be part of a rejuvenated Council.