Friday 8th April
Egg Hunt and crafts
Castle Park Conservatory and Pavilion
Come along and have fun making Easter crafts with paper, glue and all things crafty
Cost: Free
Ages: 5-11
For more information call Sharon Marshall 01606 288766 or
Friday 8th April
Arts & Crafts
Frodsham Library
For more information call 01244 977345 or
Email: frodsham.library@cheshirewest.
Monday 28th April
Cow on Canvass Painting Session
11am – 2.30pm
Moocellar studio in the Giftshop
£70 per adult, children go free with a paying adult
Lunch and goodie bag included
Monday 11th April
Indoor Topsy Tumble
Brio Leisure Centre
Come along to our family fun morning at Brio Leisure Centre.
For more information Tel: 01928 733953
It is £3 for one child and adult. £1 extra for additional children
Friday 15th April
Crafts Day
Helsby Library
Please see overleaf for a great idea on how to use your left over chocolate eggs from Easter