On Tuesday 16th August our Mayor Cllr Mallie Poulton and Chair of Council Cllr Judith Critchley, attended a Fundraiser at KASH 22, Church St.
Where one of our most colourful Frodsham characters, @The Barbers owner, Charlotte JD Hale did the honour of a full head shave on Carlo Marson, a local doing his bit for Charity.
We thanked Carlo for his community sprit and we did say he actually looked better for it.
Charlotte was her normal colourful self and the crowd gave generously.
The Mayor would like to thank all concerned and if anyone still wants to give, get in touch with any of the above.
A special mention to Paddy and all at KASH 22. This man and his staff go the extra mile and KASH are getting a name for the support they give to those less fortunate than ourselves.
Congratulations everyone.
Mayor and Chair FTC.