Annual Town Meeting

Saturday 1 July 2017

The Town Meeting is held annually and gives electors (from Frodsham) the opportunity to raise issues with the Town Council and other organisations in the town.

This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. By submitting a resolution to be discussed at the Town Meeting.
    Written notice of the resolution must be submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting. If the resolution is passed, the Town Council is obliged to consider the matter at a subsequent meeting.
  2. By participating and speaking to the Town Meeting.
    The Town meeting is not a meeting of the Town Council but is called by the Council.

This year the Town Meeting will be held on Saturday 1 July 2017 in the Parish Hall, Church Street. The room has been booked from 10am to 4pm but the format for the meeting has not been decided.

This is your opportunity to influence the format of the Annual Meeting. There will need to be a formal part with agenda and minutes but the rest of the time can be free-format.

Frodsham Town Council would like to encourage local groups and organisations to present a report on their activities at this meeting.

Let FTC have your thoughts and suggestions by 9 June (so they can be discussed at the next Policy & Process Committee meeting on 12 June) to:

Hazel Catt, Town Clerk
01928 735150