Local electors are invited to inspect Frodsham Town Council’s accounts and annual return. The Council has also published its Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement 2017/18.
Frodsham Town Council has completed its Annual Return, which will be reviewed by a publicly appointed external auditor (the external audit has not been completed, therefore the accounts published below may change). The Council is required to make the accounting records available to the public for inspection for a 30 day period.
For the year ended 31 March 2018, records will be available for inspection (subject to reasonable notice) by application to:
Hazel Catt
Town Clerk
Castle Park House
Castle Park
Frodsham, WA6 6SB
Tel: 01928 735150
Email: townclerk@frodsham.gov.uk
commencing on Monday 25 June 2018 and ending on Friday 3 August 2018.
Local Electors and their representatives have the right to question the auditor about the accounts and object to the accounts or any items in them. Full details of the rights of the public are contained in the formal notice for the Exercise of Public Rights and Local authority accounts: a summary of your rights below.
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights
The Council is also required to publish the following: