Final reminder for tax credits customers to renew their claim
If you’ve received a renewal pack and still need to confirm your circumstances for the current tax year, it’s important that you do this by the annual deadline which is Monday 31 July, or you may be at risk of having your payments stopped.

Free and affordable days out
Spending some quality time with family and friends can boost your mental health and wellbeing. Take a look at what free and affordable days out are on offer across the borough.

Household Support Fund
If you’re struggling with the rising cost of living, find out if you’re eligible for support with food, energy, water and other essential costs from the Government’s Household Support Fund.

Council Tax discounts
If you live with an adult with a severe mental impairment, you could be missing out on a Council Tax discount. The discount is 25 per cent minimum off your Council Tax bill.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme
Free summer activities are available for children from reception to year 11 inclusive who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals, and for all children with Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
Take a free ‘Midlife Money MOT’
A new online Midlife MOT tool has been launched by the government to get people thinking about their work, health and money and plan for a more secure retirement.
Social Prescribing and how it could help you
If you’re facing challenges in your day to day life which are affecting your health and wellbeing speak to your GP practice who can refer you to a Social Prescriber.