What does the Neighbourhood Plan Mean for Frodsham?

What does the Neighbourhood Plan mean for Frodsham?

A “made” neighbourhood plan means that the plan has officially been approved and adopted by the local planning authority.

This is a significant milestone for a town council and the community involved in creating the plan. Here’s what it means in practical terms:

  1. Full Legal Status
  • Integration into the Local Development Framework: Once a neighbourhood plan is “made” (approved), it becomes a legally binding part of the local development plan. This means it has statutory weight in the planning process and must be taken into account by the local planning authority when making decisions on planning applications within that area.
  • Legal Standing: A made plan carries legal weight under the Localism Act 2011, giving communities a greater say in shaping development.
  1. Influence on Future Development
  • Control Over Development: The town council and local community gain greater control over where and how development occurs. The neighbourhood plan can set policies regarding housing density, design standards, green spaces, infrastructure, and more, reflecting the specific needs and priorities of the community.
  • Protection Against Unwanted Development: Once made, it can help protect the area from unwanted speculative developments that do not align with the community’s vision.
  1. Guidance for Developers
  • Clear Guidelines: Developers must consider the policies set out in the neighbourhood plan when preparing planning applications. It provides clarity on what types of developments are welcomed by the community, potentially streamlining the planning approval process.
  • Community-Led Vision: The plan allows the town council to communicate its vision and priorities for the neighbourhood, ensuring that new developments align with these goals.
  1. Access to Financial Benefits
  • Increased Share of CIL Funds: Once a neighbourhood plan is made, the town council is entitled to receive 25% (instead of the usual 15%) of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds generated from developments in the area. This funding can be used for local projects and infrastructure improvements.
  • Prioritization of Projects: The council can use these funds in line with the priorities identified in the neighbourhood plan, ensuring that new developments contribute positively to the community.
  1. Empowerment of the Local Community
  • Community Involvement: A made plan reflects the outcomes of extensive community consultation and engagement. It’s a product of local input and decisions, empowering residents to shape the future of their area.
  • Long-Term Vision: It provides a long-term strategic vision for the area, typically covering a 10-15 year period, guiding sustainable development that aligns with the community’s aspirations.


In summary, a “made” neighbourhood plan gives the town council a powerful tool to influence future development, secure additional funding, and protect the character of the area.

Download a pdf copy of What does the Neighbourhood Plan mean for Frodsham here