Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 9 (2022/23)

9. Amenities Committee Agenda 13-03-2023

9. Amenities Committee Minutes 13-03-2023

67.  To appoint a Chair for the meeting

68.  Apologies and reasons for absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

69.  Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

70.  Public participation

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC  policy on public speaking at meetings:

71.  Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 13th February 2023.

8. Amenities Committee Minutes 13-02-2023

72.  Grounds inspections

To note the recent inspections which have taken place under the service level agreement.

72. Grounds maintenance summary report

73.  Quotations requested

  • To note that a quotation has been requested for 2 signs to be placed in the Ship Street play area; one to request that dogs are kept on a lead, one to give details of who to contact in relation to the play area.
  • To note that quotations have been requested for various works following the recent play area inspections.

74.  Quotations received

  • To consider a quotation to supply, install an additional 2 bins on the Ship Street play area once completed.
  • To consider a quotation to remove an existing section of iron fencing on the Ship Street play area and install a new fencing panel onto existing posts to include paint to match.
  • To consider a quotation to carry out repairs to Bradley Lane telephone box including supply and installation of defibrillator sign, replace damaged poly windows and power guard.
  • To consider any other quotations received after publication of the agenda.

75.  Ship Street play area

  • To note the report, provided by the Clerk, following a meeting with Stephenson Halliday which took place on Friday 3rd March.
  • To agree any action to be taken.

76.  Accessible play equipment

To note that this item was briefly discussed at a recent update meeting with officers from CWAC and that it will be further discussed following the elections.

77.  Marshlands

(a) To note that an inspection was due to take place week beginning 20th February 2023 and that a formal report will be forwarded to members once received.

78.  Goods shed renovation

To note that this item was briefly discussed at a recent update meeting with officers from CWAC and that it will be further discussed following the elections.

79.  Date of next meeting – 17th April 2023

80.  Close of meeting