Amenities Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2023/24)

Amenities Committee Meeting Pack 9-10-2023

5. Amenities Committee Minutes 9-10-2023


1.    Apologies and reasons for absence

To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.

2.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

3.    Public participation

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC  policy on public speaking at meetings:

4.    Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 11th September 2023.

5.    Green Gates Park

  1. To receive a report from Cllr Sumner following a meeting with Green Gates Community Project.
  2. To agree any actions to be taken.

6.    Play areas

  1. To note the play area report.
  2. To agree any further actions to be taken.

7.    Budget Review

  1. To note the report provided by the Town Clerk under the various cost codes.
  2. To consider the budget request for 2024-25 based on current projections.

8.    Hob Hey Wood

  1. To approve a funding bid made by Hob Hey Wood Friends under the Cheshire West and Chester Council Crowd.
  2. To agree any further action to be taken in respect of the application.
  3. To note that: the £537 provided by FTC to cover the cost of producing 2023 calendars was converted into over £1000 of sales; some of that money was used to fund training and purchasing of scything equipment so the group could scythe the meadow themselves; this resulted in a saving about £300 in the cost for FTC to mow the meadow.
  4. To approve a request for funding for 2024 Hob Hey Wood calendars in the sum of £537.

9.    Community Orchards

  1. To note that Cllr Sumner has visited each of the orchards owned by Frodsham Town Council, together with Climate Change Action and has requested improved signage to Ship Street Orchard, Hob Hey Wood Orchard and Hawthorne Road Orchard.
  2. To note that there is no signage on Churchfields Orchard.
  3. To agree action to be taken.

10.  Biodiversity

  1. To note that under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 there is a duty on public authorities in England to have regard to conserving biodiversity as part of their policy or decision making. Conserving biodiversity can include restoring or enhancing a population or habitat.
  2. To note that this duty has been reinforced under the Environment Act 2021, requiring councils to complete their first consideration of what action to take for biodiversity by 1 January 2024.
  3. To consider recommending approval of the prepared document by full council.

11.  Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report

12.  Date of next meeting – 13th November 2023

13.  Close of meeting