Amenities Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2021/22)

5. Amenities Agenda November 15

Draft Amenities Committee Minutes November 15

60.       Apologies for absence

To receive apologies.

61.      Appointment of chair for the meeting 15/11/2021

  • To note that Cllr B Wade was appointed Vice Chair at the meeting held 13th July 2021.
  • To approve appointment of chair for the meeting.

62.       Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

63.       Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

64.       Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 18th October 2021

65.       Actions from the meeting held 18th October 2021

To note actions taken as follows:


Ref Subject Update
51 Minutes Minutes approved
54c Ship Street play area Provision for naming park and opening event JO Ongoing
56 Play area inspections Recent operational inspection reports to be circulated to CA/LS. Both to carry out own inspections JO/CA/LS Reports sent 21/10/21.  No report provided to TC.
58 Flooding PL to carry out research for consideration at a future meeting PL Ongoing
60b Memorial path HDD appointed £5,990.  Clerk to instruct JO Instructed 19/10/2021


66.       Fields in Trust

  • To note that: Fields in Trust works in partnership with landowners to protect land through a Deed of Dedication a binding legal commitment with the landowner which secures spaces in perpetuity for current and future generations to enjoy
  • To note that the following locations are protected through a Deed of Dedication: Park Lane play area; Overton Memorial Field; Churchfields; Community Centre fields and Hob Hey Wood.
  • To note that the Red Lion Bowling Club is in the process of being registered with Fields in Trust together with Ship Street play area.

67.      To receive a report from the Clerk


68.       Exclusion press and public

To resolve, that in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the items 69 and 70 due to the commercially sensitive nature of the items.

69.        Grounds maintenance SLA 2022

  • To note 2 tender submissions received and report provided by Town Clerk (2)
  • To appoint contractor


70.       Ship Street play area project manager

  • To note tender submissions received (2)
  • To appoint contractor

71.       Close of meeting