Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 4 (2022/23)

4. Amenities Committee Agenda 10-10-2022

4. Amenities Committee Minutes 10-10-2022

1.    Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

2.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

3.    Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

4.    Approval of minutes

  1. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 8th August 2022
  2. To agree any further actions taken

4. Amenities Committee Minutes 8-08-2022

5.    Play areas

  1. To note the RoSPA Annual Play inspection reports circulated to all councillors
  2. To consider any action to be taken

5a. Churchfields-27-7-2022-1727281-ANL

5b. Park+Lane-27-7-2022-1727280-ANL

5c. Top+Road-27-7-2022-1727282-ANL

5d. Townfield+Lane-27-7-2022-1727283-ANL

6.    Frodsham Memorial

  1. To note that the works began on 25th August with a scheduled timescale of 8 weeks
  2. To note that part of the car park will be allocated to storage and welfare for the duration of the works.
  3. To note that reports of antisocial behaviour reports should be submitted via 101.
  4. To receive an update from HDD of the latest position.

7.    Ship Street play area

  1. To note that the works are scheduled to begin on 8th August with a scheduled timescale of 13 weeks.
  2. To note that the play area will be locked for the duration of the works and that PCSO Flanagan will have access to the area.
  3. To note a serious incident of antisocial behaviour in September delayed works – all reports of antisocial behaviour should be submitted via 101.
  4. To note that seeding and planting will take place after all ground works have been completed (this is likely to be the week commencing 10th October), after which the site will be closed until the play equipment is delivered.
  5. To receive an update from RSK of the latest position.

8.    Town Clock

  1. To note that 2 faces of the Town Clock have now stopped working. The clock was last serviced in November 2021.
  2. To note that, because of the location of the clock at a busy junction, two clockmakers are required to safely carry out maintenance work, with an early start to complete all the work before the traffic becomes too busy.
  3. To approve a quote for £750 plus parts from Smith of Derby (clockmakers) to carry out an annual service of the clock, including using their best endeavours to rectify the faults.

9.    Christmas Lighting

  1. To note that new commercial lighting is now available in sections of 5m, to allow for tree growth and potential repair and which will preserve any investment made.
  2. To approve the replacement of wrapped lights for three trees located on Church Street at a cost of £514 per tree excluding installation.
  3. To approve the sourcing of quotations for the installation of wrapped lighting.

10. Cycle North Cheshire

  1. To note the minutes from the meeting held 26th August 2022
  2. To consider progression of the aims of the group

11. Hob Hey Wood

  1. To approve a request to install a handrail on a steep stepped section of the footpath to secure the safety of all walkers at a cost of £300 (materials only). Hob Hey Wood Friends Group has agreed to construct and install.

12. Marshlands

  1. To note that Frodsham Tree Solutions has completed a tree survey at a cost of £450.
  2. To note the findings of the survey and authorise quotes to be obtained to carry out remedial works classed as high priority

12. Marshlands Hilldale tree condition assessment

13. Community Orchards

  1. To note that Mr Tom Blundell has notified us that he is unable to continue caring for Frodsham’s community orchards.
  2. Mr Blundell organised the planting of the first community orchard in Frodsham in Churchfield in 2012 to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, followed by orchards in Hob Hey Wood; Ship Street and Hawthorn Close. As a volunteer, he pruned the trees in springtime and in the autumn and arranged for replacement trees in case of disease or vandalism.
  3. To note that the Hob Hey Wood Friends Group have indicated that they are willing to take over responsibility for maintaining the orchard in Hob Hey Wood.
  4. To approve the sourcing of quotations to maintain our community orchards.
  5. To note that Cheshire West & Chester Council’s Total Environment team is looking for expressions of interest from parish and town councils who are potentially interested in creating a new community orchard within their areas or who can secure land to do so, and agree action.

13e. Community Orchards

14. Commemoration of the Queen’s Reign

  1. To consider commemorating the late Queen Elizabeth II reign of seventy years by the planting of seven commemorative Oak trees within the Memorial field.
  2. To consider requesting Mr Tom Blundell be present as an honorary guest at a tree planting ceremony to acknowledge and thank him for his service to our green areas in Frodsham.
  3. To approve the sourcing of quotations in support of the above considerations.

15. Golden Gateways Initiative

  1. To note that the Town Council has been approached about an initiative that celebrates the Commonwealth Games gold medal-winning Team England athletes by installing a plaque at a location relevant to their route to glory. Athletes choose these locations based on where they believe their ‘journey’ in their competing sport began. Nathan Maguire, who won the 1500 metres T54 wheelchair race at the 2022 Commonwealth Games has nominated Frodsham Railway Bridge as his Golden Gateway.
  2. To decide whether to support this initiative.

16. Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report and consider any actions to be taken.

17. Date of next meeting – 14th November 2022

18. Close of meeting