Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)
Cemetery Committee Agenda 5-06-19 (1)
Cemetery Committee Minutes 5-06-19 (1)
No | Item |
1 | Appointment of Chair
To appoint the Chair |
2 | Appointment of Deputy Chair
To appoint the Deputy Chair |
3 | Apologies |
4 | Declarations of interests |
5 | Minutes of the meeting 4 of Cemetery Committee held on 12th April 2019
To agree and sign as a true record. |
6 | Opportunity for the public to speak |
7 | Cemetery development update
To receive a report from the Clerk |
8 | Cemetery training
To note the Clerk attended training on 1st April and 30th May |
9 | Fee structure
To approve modest increase in fees as previously agreed in principle. |
10 | Cemetery Regulations
To note that full Council has not yet considered banning all dogs except for assistance dogs in the cemetery |
11 | Cemetery Paperwork
To note process for Transfer of Ownership |
12 | Agenda items for the next meeting
To agree any additional agenda items for the next meeting. |
13 | Date of next meeting(s)
25th September, 11th December, 25th March |
14 | Close of meeting |