Agenda – Meeting 4 (2017/18)
Cemetery Committee Agenda 19.04.18
Cemetery Committee Minutes 19.04.18
No | Item |
40 | Apologies |
41 | Minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2018
To agree and sign as a true record. |
42 | Right for the public to speak |
43 | Actual spend against budget 2017/18
To note the final end of year figures. |
44 | Ear-marked Reserves
To agree to recommend to Council that the surplus identified at the end of the Financial year of £11,615.46 should be added to the Ear-marked Reserve for the future development and maintenance of the Cemetery. |
45 | Cemetery Design Support
To receive an update on the design proposal for the expansion and agree any actions. |
46 | Removal of Trees
To discuss the proposed removal of trees as agreed at FTC meeting 26.01.15 and agree actions. |
47 | Northwich Cemetery Visit
To receive a report from the visit and agree actions. |
48 | Cemetery Regulations
To review and agree amendments to the regulations. 48. Cemetery Management Guidance – Extract Transfer of Ownership |
49 | Cemetery Fees 2018-19
To review cemetery fees for 2018-19 and agree any revisions. |
50 | Access Improvements
To receive an update on the improvement works and agree actions. |
51 | Agenda items for the next meeting
To agree any additional agenda items for the next meeting. |
52 | Date of next meeting
28 June 2018 (7pm). |