Amenities Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2019/20)

Amenities Committee Agenda 11-02-2020

Amenities Committee Minutes 11-02-2020


No Item
29 Apologies for absence
30 Declarations of Interest
31 Minutes of Meetings
31.1 To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 10th December 2019

Amenities Committee Minutes 10-12-19

32 Opportunity for Public to Speak
33 Play Areas

To note weekly and monthly inspections have been carried out by Northwich Town Council

33.1 To receive an update and agree any action to be taken
33.2 To consider the quotation received for replacing the gate into the toddler play area at  Top Road
34 Seats/benches
34.1 To note current policy and approve any changes

34.1 Seats Policy 2016 (3)

34.2 To consider request from a resident to install either a bench or a plaque on an existing bench
35 Metal detecting
35.1 To consider adoption of a metal detecting policy

35.1 Metal detecting policy (3)

35.2 To note request from a resident to carry out metal detecting in Hob Hey Wood
36 Footpath 76
36.1 To note deterioration of the footpath due to fallen branches and agree action to be taken
37 Defibrilators
37.1 To note current inspection/maintenance programme and agree any revisions
37.2 To consider making a formal request to WVHT to take over maintenance of the defibrillator currently located at Meadow Court
38 Phone Box – Ashton Drive
38.1 To note that Cheshire West and Chester Council have objected to the removal of the payphone
39 Great British Spring Clean – 20th March to 13th April 2020
39.1 To receive a report from Cllr L Jones and agree action to be taken
40 Fields in Trust
40.1 To note completion of paperwork for the Community Centre field
40.2 To approve installation and ceremonial unveiling of the plaques provided by Fields in Trust for Park Lane park and Churchfields park
41 Flower/bulb planting
41.1 To note request from Manor School to plant flowers/bulbs as part of a year 5 project in Top Park
42 Clerk’s report

To receive a report and agree any actions to be taken.

43 Next meeting – 14th April 2020
44 Close of meeting
