Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Environment Committee Agenda 04.07.17

Environment Committee Minutes 04.07.17


No Item
24 Apologies for Absence
25 Declarations of Interest
26 Minutes of Meeting 1 held on 6 June 2017: Acceptance & Signing

26. Environment Committee Minutes 06.06.17

27 Hob Hey Wood

To receive a presentation of the 5-year plan from Mersey Forest and agree any actions.

28 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
29 Community Orchards

To discuss the extension plans for Ship Street and agree action.

30 Howey Lane

To receive a report on the tree survey and agree any actions.

31 Tree Matters
31.1 Kemp tree on Castle Park – to receive an update.
31.2 Castle Park Tree Trail – update from Mr T Blundell.
31.3 Offer of tree seedling from resident
32 Rights of Way Maintenance
32.1 Hoverforce – to report back on response from CWAC
32.2 Quay Side to Waterside path – to consider a request from resident for it to be trimmed
32.3 Footpaths – to discuss any issues and agree actions.
33 Manley Road Copse

To receive an update on the bench

34 Litter Picking
34.1 To agree the purchase of 10 Handihoops @ £6.80+VAT per unit & £5+VAT delivery.


34.2 To plan future events.
35 River Weaver Navigation Society

To receive feedback and agree any actions.

36 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda

37 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 1 August at 7pm at CPH.
