Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2024/25)

3. Events Agenda 01-10-2024

3. Events Minutes 01-10-2024

  1. Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence from members

  1. Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of interest from members of the committee on items on the agenda

  1. Public participation

Members of the public are invited to address the meeting on agenda items in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

  1. Minutes of meeting held 6th August 2024

 To agree and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record

2. Events Minutes 06-08-2024

  1. To note the report provided by a member of the public

To consider action to be taken

  1. Finance

Events Committee Budget Report 1-10-2024

a) To note the budget report

b) To consider the 2025-2026 budget

  1. To note the feedback received from Newton Hall Care Home

 To note the feedback received for the provision of a Fish & Chip dinner in

commemoration of the D-Day Event in June.

  1. VE Day Commemoration Event

a) To consider holding an event

b) To agree a budget

  1. Eventbrite Halloween Ticket Booking System

a) To note that the ticket booking system has been set up

b) To resolve to set a date for the release of the first set of tickets

   10. Committee Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Committee Clerk

  1. Date of next meeting

3rd December 2024

Close of meeting