Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2017/18)

Events Committee Agenda 10.10.17

Events Committee Minutes 10.10.17


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair
2 Appointment of Deputy Chair
3 TOR for the year

To agree the Terms of Reference and recommend them to Council.

Draft TOR Events 2017-18

4 Apologies for absence
5 Declarations of Interest
6 Opportunity for Public to Speak

No requests have been received by the Clerk.

7 Membership

To agree the membership of the committee

8 Budget 2017-18

To review the budget and agree changes.

9 Events Programme

To review the programme for 2017-18 and agree any actions

10 Christmas
10.1 Christmas Festival Working Group

To note the next meeting is on 11 October, 2pm at Castle Park House.

10.2 Christmas Tree

To note the Forestry Commission have donated a tree again this year.

10.3 Volunteers Party

To agree the date of the annual party to thank volunteers for their efforts.

11 New Year’s Eve Fireworks
11.1 To agree the quotation for the fireworks display @ £1195+VAT
11.2 To agree a date for a site visit with the Firework company.
11.3 To agree the quotation for the professional marshals, if required.
12 Festival of Walks

To note the next meeting of the Working Group is on Thursday 12 October.

13 Events Sponsorship

To agree the process for receiving and processing applications.

14 Annual Town meeting

To agree the date, time and venue for the ATM in 2018.

15 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

16 Next meeting

To agree the date & time of future meetings.
