Extraordinary Meeting of Policy Process & Revenue Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2019/20)

Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Agenda 18-03-2020 (3)

Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Minutes 18-03-2020 (3)


No Item
94 Apologies for absence – To note
95 Declarations of interest – To note
96 Requests from the public to speak
97 COVID-19
97.1 To note the risk assessment and business continuity report from the Clerk on and the recommendations contained within
97.2 To approve the risk assessment
97.3 To recommend to full Council that Finance Regulation 4.6 be amended to permit the Clerk to spend up to £5,000 per single transaction in cases of extreme risk to the delivery of council services
97.4 To recommend ratification of the purchase of infection control supplies by the Town Clerk under Financial Regulation 4.6 and that all purchase in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak for health and safety be accounted for in a new budget code and money taken from reserves. (Full list of purchases to be supplied to Town Council)
97.5 To approve full sick payments to staff in line with staff contracts and the Green Book terms and conditions from day 1
97.6 To approve full payment for staff who self-isolate for 14 days following advice from 111
98 Business continuity
98.1 To discuss what practical measures need to be taken in respect of business continuity including whether it is necessary to temporarily suspend any Financial regulations or Standing Orders and nominate substitutes for the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Council as part of the delegation of authority to the Clerk in order to ensure certain matters can continue.
98.2 To agree action to be taken
99 Castle Park House

To discuss practical arrangements

98.2 To agree action to be taken
99 Clerk’s items
100 Exclusion of press and public

To consider passing a motion to exclude press and public due to the sensitive nature of the following items

101 Confidential staffing report

To receive a report from the Clerk

102 Cemetery management

To receive a report from the Clerk and agree action

103 Date of next meeting

Monday 27th April 2020 at 6pm
