Agenda – Meeting 3 (2023/24)
Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting Pack 23-10-2023
1. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
3. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 21st August 2023
To accept and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. Frodsham Town Council accounts
- To note that the income in September 2023 was £27,474.74 which included a VAT126 of £26,484.74.
- To note that the expenditure in September 2023 was £24,464.13.
- To note that the sum of all accounts as at 30 September 2023 was £298,746.
- To approve the monthly income and expenditure report.
- To note the bank reconciliation checks as at 30th September 2023 have been checked to bank statements by Cllr Wade (min ref: FTC/25/09/2023/9h).
- To approve a councillor to carry out the bank reconciliation checks as at 31st October 2023.
6. Finance & General Purposes Committee Budget
- To note the budget review report provided by the Clerk.
- To consider the 2024-2025 budget for recommendation to full council.
7. Policies & Procedures
- To consider and approve the Flexible Working Policy following the NALC guidelines.
- To consider and approve the IT and Cyber Security Policy following the NALC/SLCC guidelines.
- To consider and approve the updated Public Speaking at Meetings document.
- To approve the Investments Policy as required in accordance with the LGA 2003.
- To approve the Expenses Policy.
8. Over 70s Christmas Voucher Scheme
- To note there have been 651 applications from residents over 70.
- To note that there are 29 businesses registered to take part in the scheme.
9. Grants Scheme 2023
- To note there have been 2 applications to date.
- To note that the closing date is 3rd November 2023.
- To agree members to consider the applications at a Grants Working Group meeting to be held on 6th November at 6.30pm via Zoom.
10.Terms of reference
To approve terms of reference for the Active Travel Working Group.
11.Clerk’s report
- To restate the minutes from 27/02/2023 to note that the Clerk currently works 32 (flexible hours per week.
- To receive any further report.
12.Date of next meetings
- To note the next Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting will be held on 18th December 2023.
- To note the Budget Setting Meeting will take place on Monday 8th January and that this is a full council meeting.
Part B
13.Exclusion of press and public
To exclude members of the press and public under Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1(2) due to the commercially sensitive nature of item 14.
14.Appointment of Human Resources Consultancy
To consider the 3 quotations received for HR support.