Agenda – Meeting 6 (2023/24)
1. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
3. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th February 2024
To accept and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. Frodsham Town Council accounts
- To note that the income in March 2024 was £1,095.47
- To note that the expenditure in March 2024 was £18,956.50
- To note that the sum of all accounts as at 31st March 2024 was £149,786.
- To approve the monthly Finance Report.
- To note that the bank reconciliation checks as at 31st March 2024 were checked to bank statements and cashbook by Cllr Wade on [DATE]
- To appoint a councillor to carry out the bank reconciliation checks as at 30th April 2024
6. Direct Debits
To approve the following direct debits for the coming year:
Customer reference | Amount (GBP) | Additional Info |
PRISM BUSINESS DEV – IT SLA | £490.82 | Fixed |
BAGNALL & MORRIS – WASTE CEM SLA | £130.32 | Fixed |
PENINSULA BUSINESS – HR SLA | £149.50 | Fixed |
CHESHIRE WEST FUND – CPH RENT | £510.00 | Fixed |
TELECOMS – PHONE SLA | £180.00 | Variable |
ICO | £35.00 | Fixed |
CHESHIRE WEST – CTAX CPH | £132 | Fixed |
WATER PLUS – ALLOTMENTS | £4.54 | Variable |
WATER PLUS – CEMETERY | £6.00 | Variable |
BRITISH GAS – CEMETERY ELEC | £30.76 | Variable |
7. Terms of reference for working groups
- To approve the generic ToR for all working groups
- To appoint the Chair of each working group to update the terms of reference for their specific groups for approval at the Annual Meeting to be held on 20th May 2024.
8. Christmas Voucher Scheme
To note the report provided.
9. Metal detecting
- To note the report provided by the Town Clerk
- To consider the metal detecting protocol provided by the Town Clerk
10.Clerk’s report
To receive any additional report.
11.Date of next meeting – 24th June (to be confirmed at the Annual Town Council Meeting)
The cut-off date for adding items to the next F&GP agenda is Monday 17th June.