CANCELLED: Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Due to the Coronavirus situation, meetings of the Town Council and its Committees are cancelled until further notice.

Agenda – Meeting 12 (2019/20)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 23-03-2020 (12)

Draft minutes and an audio recording will be made available as soon as possible after the meeting.


No Item
172 Apologies
173 Declarations of interest
174 Right for the public to speak
175 Co-option

To note that there are four candidates for the casual vacancy in Castle Park Ward

175.1 Candidates to be given the opportunity to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes in support of their application
175.2 To co-opt a Councillor for Castle Park Ward
176 Committee appointment

To appoint Cllr Griffiths to the Events Committee

177 To approve and sign minutes of Full Council
177.1 To approve minutes of meeting number 10 held on 27th January 2020

177.1. FTC Minutes 27-01-2020 (10)

177.2 To approve minutes of meeting number 11 held on 5th February 2020

177.2. FTC Minutes 5-02-2020 (11)

178 Ship Street play area
178.1 To receive a report from Cllr Hayes on the Options Appraisal and progress to date
178.2 To approve the next steps
178.3 To approve opening of the gates and any necessary signage
179 Finance
179.1  To note the finance report pack
179.2 To note the expenditure during February was £70,216.52, income was £1,674.09. The Clerk has submitted a VAT return for the period 1st December 2019 to 29th February 2020.
179.3 To approve and sign the accounts to include bank reconciliations and income and expenditure
179.4 To approve signatories to the Frodsham Recreation Ground bank account
180 Memorial path

To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley

180.1 To agree action to be taken
181 Operation London Bridge

To consider appointing a working group

182 Website

To receive a report from Rabbit Digital

183 Pensions Discretions Policy

To approve statement

183. Pension Discretion Policy 2020

184  Frodsham Community Association/Frodsham Youth Association Lease

 To receive an update

185 Policy Process & Revenue Committee

To note the minutes of the meeting held 24th February 2020 and the decisions taken

185. PPR Minutes 24-02-2020 (2)

185.1 To consider the recommendation that FTC adopt the model reserves policy as circulated with earmarked reserves of £50,000 for the burial ground and £30,000 for a memorial path


185.2 To approve levels of general reserves
185.3 To note the minutes of the meeting held 18th March 2020 and the decisions taken
185.4 To consider the recommendations of the committee meeting held 18th March 2020
186 Planning Committee

To note the minutes of the Planning Committee held 10th February 2020 and the decisions taken

186. Planning Minutes 10.02.20 (10)

187 Amenities Committee

To note the minutes of the Amenities Committee held 11th February 2020 and the decisions taken

187. Amenities Minutes (3)

188 Events Committee

To note the minutes of the Events Committee held 12th March 2020 and the decisions taken

188.1 To receive a report from Cllr Poulton regarding VE DAY 2020 celebrations
189 Standing Orders

To consider suspending Standing Orders to facilitate a report from CWAC Councillors

190 Cheshire West and Chester Council

To receive a report from Cllr L Riley and Cllr A Dawson

191 Standing Orders

To reinstate Standing Orders

192  Clerk’s report

To receive any information items and agree any action to be taken

193 Date of next meeting – 18th May 2020
194 Close of meeting
