Agenda – Meeting 6 (2023/24)
6. FTC Meeting Minutes 22-01-2024
- Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
- Declarations of interest 40134/Openness_and_transparency_on_personal_interests.pdf
To note any declarations of interest in items which are on the agenda.
- Approval of minutes
- To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 17th November 2023.
- To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 8th January 2024.
- Standing Orders
To resolve to suspend Standing Orders for items 5, 6, and 7 to enable PCSO Flanagan, elected councillors from Cheshire West and Chester Council and members of the public to take part.
- Policing report
To receive a written report from PCSO Neil Flanagan. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
- Requests from members of the public to speak–procedures/
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.
- Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors (Lucy Sumner & Mike Garvey) To note written report from councillors.
- Standing Orders
To resolve to reinstate Standing Orders for the following items:
- Accounts
- To note the expenditure in month 9 was £28,046.29.
- To note the income was £39,429 which included a transfer of £30,000 from the CCLA account.
- To note that the balance on the Co-op Instant Access account on 31st December 2023 was £25,623.73.
- To note that the balance on the Co-op Community account on 31st December 2023 was £44,237.71.
- To note that the balance on the CCLA account on 31st December 2023 was £158,954.54 and included a transfer to the Co-op Community account.
- To approve and sign the Month 9 reports pack which includes all income and expenditure. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
- To approve a councillor to check January 2024 bank statements against January bank reconciliation reports on a date to be agreed in February 2024. (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2).
- To note closure of bank account: 6149310650 sort code 08-90-53 due to issues with digital functionality and inability to access bank statements. Last statement produced 5th May 2023.
- To note that £25,623.73 was transferred to current account: 6149310600 sort code 08-90-53 on 10th January 2024.
- To note that the funds are required to year end and would otherwise have been taken out of the CCLA account with a loss of interest at the current 5.27% per annum on the CCLA account.
- GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018)
- To note the report regarding the Subject Access Request (SAR).
- To note that the cost of the SAR was £375.00 and took 15 hours to complete.
- Committee changes
- To consider a proposal to disband the Finance & General Purposes Committee and hold monthly full council meetings which all councillors would be summoned to attend.
- To consider a proposal to move the Climate Action and Active Travel Working Groups from Amenities Committee Terms of Reference to full council.
- Frodsham Solar
To note the update provided.
- Frodsham Artisan Market
- To note the proposal report from Independent Street.
- To approve holding a Frodsham Artisan Market on the last Saturday of every month starting ON 30th March 2024.
- Castle Park Arts Centre – solar panel installation
(a) To note the report provided.
(b) To consider supporting the bid using funds remaining in the 2023-24 Climate Action budget (£5,270).
- To resolve that, in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted. Legislation link:
- To consider awarding Freedom of the Town to a local resident in recognition of services to the community of Frodsham.
- Close of Meeting