Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2018/18)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 26.11.18 (6)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 26.11.18 (6)

No Item
89 Apologies
90 Declarations of Interest
91 WW1 Commemoration Group

To present the Council with a Commemorative Poppy Display Frame.

92 Minutes of the Meeting No 5 – 24 September 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

92. FTC Minutes 24.09.18 (5)

93 Right for the public to speak
93.1 PCSO
93.3 Other
94 Finance Management:  01.09.18 – 31.09.18

To approve the finance report for September which was presented and noted at P&P on 22 October.

94. Finance Report – Sept

95 Finance Management:  01.10.18 – 30.10.18 – To approve the finance report.

95. Finance Report – first page

95. Finance Report – tables

95.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in August 2018 was £24,571.48

95.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in in August 2018 was £4,157.28

95.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of August 2018 were £360,264.02

96 Committee Minutes
96.1 Planning Committee

To note the minutes of the meetings held on 24/09/18, 8/10/18, 22/10/18, 30/10/18 and 12/11/18 and the decisions taken.

96.1 Planning Minutes 24.09.18 (8)

96.1 Planning Minutes 08.10.18 (9)

96.1 Planning Minutes 22.10.18 (10)

96.1 Extraordinary Planning Minutes 30.10.18 (11)

96.1 Planning Minutes 12.11.18 (12)

96.2 Events Committee – 12.11.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

96.2 Events Minutes 13.11.18

96.3a Cemetery Committee – 27.09.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

96.3a. Cemetery Minutes 27.09.18

96.3b Cemetery Committee – 26.10.18

96.3b Cemetery Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 26.10.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1. To approve the design for the new road will be a continuation of the existing road in a large loop allowing for the development of a new section (Section G) which would accommodate approximately 96 burial plots.

96.4 Environment Committee – 6.11.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

96.4 Environment Minutes 06.11.18

96.5 P&P Committee – 22.10.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

96.5. PP Minutes 22 10 18 (3)

96.6 Community Committee – 9.10.18 & 19.11.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

96.6 Community Minutes 9.10.18

96.6 Community Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 19.11.18

97 Working Group Records
97.1 WW1 Commemorative Working Group

To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 10.10.18 & 79.11.18.

97.1 181010_WW1Record

97.1 181107_WW1Record

97.2 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 1.10.18, 16.10.18 and 29.10.18.

97.2 NP Steering Group Meeting 01.10.18

97.2 NP Steering Group Meeting 16.10.18

97.2 NP Steering Group Meeting 29.10.18

98 Budget & Precept Setting 2019-20
98.1 To note the projected year end figures for 2018-19.

98.1 & 3 2018-19 Year-end prediction & budget setting 2019-20

98.2 To note the projected year end free reserves are £118,846.

98.2 2018-19 End of Year free reserves calculator

98.3 To note the proposed budget for 2019-20 to be agreed at the budget setting meeting on 14 January.


To note the precept calculation based on projections to be agreed at the 14 January meeting.

98.4 Precept calulation 2019-20

99 Town Clerk Update

To ratify decisions made by the recruitment panel and agree any actions.

100 Car Parking

To receive an update from CWAC Officer and agree any actions.

101 FCA Lease

To note that a meeting is being held with FCA and FYA on Thursday 28 November 7pm at Frodsham Community Centre.

102 CWAC

To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors.

103 Councillors’ Reports
103.a To receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings of external bodies.
103.b Other items for information.
104 Mayor’s Report

To receive a report from the Mayor.


105 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
106 Christmas Closures

To note the FTC office will be closed from 1pm on Friday 21 December 2018 until 9am on Wednesday 2 January 2019.

107 Date of next meeting –

Budget & Precept Setting – Monday 14 January 2013

Monday 28 January 2019

108 Confidential Matters

If required to discuss matters which are personal, sensitive or confidential.

108.a Memorial Field
108.b Castle Park House
108.c Town Clerk Vacancy