Frodsham Town Council – Annual Meeting

Event Details

Agenda – Annual Meeting – Meeting 1 (2018/19)

FTC Annual Meeting Agenda 21.05.18 (1)

FTC Annual Meeting Minutes 21.05.18 (1)


No Item
1 Election of Chairman
1.1 To elect the Chairman to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019
1.2 To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Chairman
2 Election of Vice Chairman
2.1 To elect the Vice Chairman to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019
2.2 To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Vice Chairman
3 Investiture of the Mayor of Frodsham
3.1 To confirm the appointment and invest the Mayor of Frodsham to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019
3.2 To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Mayor of Frodsham
4 Investiture of the Deputy Mayor of Frodsham
4.1 To confirm the appointment and invest the Deputy Mayor of Frodsham to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019
4.2 To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Deputy Mayor of Frodsham
5 Apologies for Absence

To note & accept any apologies

6 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

7 Minutes of Meeting 11 on 26 March 2018 & Committees

To note that these will be dealt with at meeting 2, to be held immediately after this meeting.

8 Action Plan and Budget 2018-19

To note the Action Plan and Budget agreed in January 2018.

8. Action Plan for 2018-19

8. 2018-19 Budget

9 Committee & Sub-committee Terms of Reference

To agree the Terms of Reference for:

9.1 Policy & Process – agreed to recommend for approval at its meeting on 24 April – proposed and seconded by Cllrs C Ashton and Lord F Pennington.

9.1 P&P ToR 2018-19

9.2 Community

9.2 TOR Community 2018-19

9.3 Cemetery

9.3 Cemetery Committee – ToR 18-19

9.4 Environment

9.4 Environment_ToR 2018-19

9.5 Events – agreed to recommend for approval at its meeting on 1 May – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and P Williamson.

9.5 TOR Events 2018-19

9.6 Planning

9.6 Planning 18-19 TOR

9.7 Staffing Sub-Committee

9.7 Staffing Sub-Committee – Terms of Reference 2018-19

10 Appointment of Committees & Sub-Committees

To agree Councillor membership of each of the Committees as detailed in Committee Membership chart to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019.

The Chairman & Vice-Chairman will be ‘ex-officio members’ of each Committee.

10. Committees Membership

11 Standing Orders, Executive Powers & Financial Regulations
11.1 To adopt the revised Standing Orders – recommend by P&P at its meeting on 24 April 2018 – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and J Critchley.

11. Standing Orders 2018 – 19

11.2 To agree that the Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for Budget Holding Committees will be reviewed at the next P&P meeting to be held on 25 June 2018.
11.3 To agree that the Financial Regulations will be reviewed at the next P&P meeting to be held on 25 June 2018.
11.4 To agree that all regular contractors can be paid by BACS if the appropriate paperwork is signed off by 3 councillors – proposed and seconded by Cllrs C Ashton and D Critchley.
12 Appointment of Representatives & Delegates to External Organisations

To appoint members of the Council to each of the organisations listed on the External Organisations Chart to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019. The representative will report back to Council or the relevant committee after each meeting.

12. External Bodies

13 Appointment of Internal Auditor

To note JDH Business Services Ltd will carry out the internal audit during 2018-19, which is the second year of a 3-year appointment.

14 Bank Account Signatories

To confirm the existing signatories for Co-operative and Bank of Scotland accounts will continue for 2018-19.

15 Review of Fees & Charges
15.1 To agree the following charges for 2018-19 should be reviewed at the Policy & Process Committee on 25 June 2018:

Playing fields/Land Rental
Room Rental (Castle Park)

15.2 To agree that the Publication Scheme will be reviewed at the next P&P meeting to be held on 25 June 2018.
15.3 To note Cemetery Committee at its meeting on 19 April agreed to maintain cemetery fees at their current level for 2018-19.
No Item
16 Insurance Cover in respect of all insured risks

To note that Insurance Cover for 2018-19 with our current Insurance Company is in place @ £2,174.28 +VAT.

17 Assets

To note the Management of Assets Policy and Asset Register were reviewed and adopted on 26 March 2018.

18 Complaints Procedure
18.1 To agree the Complaints Procedure will be reviewed at the next P&P meeting to be held on 25 June.
18.2 To note that a link has been added to the website to allow people to submit complaints on-line.
19 Freedom of Information & Data Protection

To agree that handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 should be reviewed at the Policy & Process Committee on 25 June 2018.

20 Press/Media

To agree that the Dealing with the Press/Media Policy should be reviewed at the Policy & Process Committee on 25 June 2018.

21 Council/Staff Subscriptions to other Bodies

21. Subscriptions 2018-19

21.1 To note the list of council/staff subscription for 2018-19 were agreed at P&P on 24 April 2018 and recommend for approval – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and C Ashton.
21.2 To note Environment Committee agreed to subscribe to membership of the River Weaver Navigation Society @ £7.50 per annum at its meeting on 1 May 2018 – proposed and seconded by Cllrs A Oulton and C Ashton.
22 Diary of Meetings: 2018-19

To agree diary of meetings for a year.  Proposed dates based on 4th Monday (* except where indicated ) in each month:


21 May (Meeting 2)*
23 July
24 September
26 November


14 January (Budget Meeting)*
28 January
25 March
20 May – Annual Meeting + FTC Meeting 2

22. Meeting Schedule 2018-19

NB: Council decided on 24 April 2017 to reduce the number of council meetings by meeting once every 2 months but with the option to call additional meetings if needed.
