Extraordinary Meeting of Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2017/18)

Frodsham Town Council Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 23.10.17 (6)

Frodsham Town Council Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 23.10.17 (6)

No Item
107 Apologies
108 Declarations of Interest
109 Right for the public to speak
110 PCSO Arrangements

To receive a presentation from a representative of the Police and to agree any actions.

111 Environment Committee – 3 October 2017

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendations:

Environment Committee Minutes 03.10.17

R1       That the Council brands itself as “The Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge” (or similar) and use the Sandstone Ridge logo on the Council website and other communications – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Oulton and Sutton.

R2       That the Council adopts the revised Commemorative Tree Policy – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Oulton and Sutton.

Draft Revised Commemorative Tree Policy

Overview of the Commemorative Tree Scheme

Details of Commemorative Trees

R3       To level and turf the area of the former Children’s Garden in Ship Street to create a manageable grassed area and reduce the cost of ongoing maintenance at a cost of £385 plus VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Martin and Sutton.

112 P&P Committee – 9 October 2017

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendation:

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 09.10.17

R1. The following grants should be awarded:

Weavervale and Sandstone Cycle Forum.


Frodsham Community Centre


The Zodiac


Frodsham History Society


Castle Park Arts


Frodsham Parish Hall


4th Frodsham Scouts


Weaver Words Literature Festival



113 Events Committee – 10 October 2017

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendation:

R1. To agree the Terms of Reference for the Events Committee.

Draft TOR Events 2017-18

114 Community Committee – 17 October 2017

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendation:

R1. To agree the Terms of Reference for the Community Committee.

TOR Community 2017-18 v2 Draft

115 CWAC Visit

To receive feedback from the visit by CWAC Streetscene Officer and agree any actions.

116 M56 New Junction 11A – Reference Group

To note the first meeting of the Reference Group will be on Tuesday 21 November at 7pm. To agree FTC’s representative.

M56 New Junction 11a Reference Group – Terms of Reference_v1

117 Schedule of Council meetings

To discuss and agree reverting to holding council meetings monthly.

118 Clerk’s Report

To note any information items.

119 Date of next meeting

Monday 27 November 2017
