Agenda – Meeting 7 (2024/25)
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
2. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 November 2024
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
4. Opportunity for Public to Speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.
5. Planning Applications
5.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
24/03285/CAT | Various Trees Along High Street, Frodsham | T1 – Remove deadwood in Lime and target prune any broken/damaged branches – sympathetical pruning. / Lame.Oils.Hiding T2 – Crown lift Lime to 3m / Harp.Clip.Stored T3 – Re pollard Lime that has large cavity on limb towards the roadside / Good.Comet.Cars T4 – Partial crown reduction Lime by 2m to clear light column and light spray as sympathetically as possible. / Model.Drill.Chains. T5 – Partial crown reduction Lime by 2m to clear light column and light spray as sympathetically as possible. / Tigers.Basis.Short |
24/03065/S19 | Old Hall Hotel, Main Street, Frodsham, WA6 7AB | Redevelopment of The Old Hall comprising demolition (in part) of the hotel and ancillary buildings, conversion of the hotel and ancillary buildings into 3 residential units and the construction of 5 new dwellings with associated car parking, gardens and landscaping. This application seeks to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning consent ref. 22/02994/LBC. |
24/03306/FUL | Southmead, 1 Royleen Drive, Frodsham, WA6 6AS | Replacement roof to existing lean-to extension with addition of porch, new external door and window openings |
24/03354/FUL | 30 Arran Drive, Frodsham, WA6 6AL | Rendering to the front elevation, the existing rear extension and altering the door and window arrangements |
24/03516/CAT | 67 Main Street, Frodsham, WA6 7DF | Removal of Sycamore, due to proximity of garage to prevent root disturbance and branches falling on roof. Cut back Willow branches over car parking area |
6. Date of next meeting
Monday 13 January 2025 at 6.30pm