Planning Committee

Event Details

Gallery 2, Castle Park Arts Centre, Castle Park, Frodsham, WA6 6SE

Agenda – Meeting 9 (2021/22)

9. Planning Agenda 09 05 22

9. Planning Minutes 09 05 22

54.   Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

55.   Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

56.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 April 2022

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

57.   Opportunity for Public to Speak

58.   Planning Applications

58.1    To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
22/00973/FUL 7 Hillfield, Frodsham Single and two storey rear extension, new porch and pitched roof to existing bay window and erection of outbuilding
22/00975/FUL Netherton Lodge, Howey Rise, Frodsham Side extension,new rooflights and extension of existing lower hallway flat roof
22/01111/FUL 42 Ellis Lane, Frodsham single storey rear extension, garage conversion, alterations to window and door openings
21/02784/FUL 12 Froda Avenue, Frodsham, Alterations to rear elevation including addition of render, construction of raised deck, patio area and steps down to accommodate change in level from house to garden level
22/01148/FUL 21 Thirlmere Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension and terrace
22/01060/FUL 44 Fairways, Frodsham Erection of workshop/garden room with covered seating area
22/01466/TPO High Banks, Beech Avenue, Frodsham Works to various trees including felling


59.   Dates for the meetings 2022/23

To agree dates for the meetings 2022/23