Planning Committee

Event Details

Meeting 5 (2022/23)

5. Planning Agenda 14 11 22

5. Planning Minutes 14 11 22

28.    Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

29.    Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

30.    Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 October 2022

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

31.    Correspondence received from a member of the public in relation to planning application 22/03473/FUL

To consider the letter of correspondence received from a member of the public.

32.    Opportunity for Public to Speak

33.    Planning Applications

33.1     To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
22/03682/CAT Chapel Fields Care Home, Chapelfields, Frodsham 1 x large mature oak to rear of property : request to cut back from building
30% , crown reduction of 25% and crown lift and thin
22/03680/CAT Millbank House,
Main Street, Frodsham
1x Mature Beech Tree (situated to the rear) – crown reduction of 1/3
22/03473/FUL 91 Townfield Lane, Frodsham Attic conversion with front and rear dormers
22/03484/FUL 44 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Single storey rear extension with raised platform
22/03344/FUL 33 Kingsley Green, Kingsley Road, Frodsham Replacement of existing bay window with french doors and side windows
22/03774/CAT Pinmill Croft, Park Lane, Frodsham Sycamore – removal, this self-seeded Sycamore is too big for its location and has minimal amenity value
22/03308/FUL Land Off Brook Furlong, Frodsham Change of use of land to use as a gypsy caravan site for 5 pitches to include 5 static caravans and 5 touring caravans and erection of 5 amenity buildings, laying of hardstanding and new access
22/03629/PMA Former Frodsham Golf Club, Simons Lane, Frodsham Change of use of building from use class E (commercial, business and service) and also use class F2 (local community use) to residential use
22/03471/FUL 46 Kingsley Road, Frodsham Single storey front extension with extended first floor terrace/balcony area, alterations to window and door openings, partial render to front and side elevations, convert gym into habitable room, landscaping works to include construction of retaining walls and associated engineering works.
22/03525/FUL Meadow Court, Clifton Crescent, Frodsham Erection of 16 dwellings (100% affordable) with associated infrastructure, car parking and landscaping
22/03727/FUL 6 Pennington Close, Frodsham Single storey front extension
22/01452/FUL 20 Fairways, Frodsham Single storey side extension, External alterations to windows and doors and chimney, installation of flue to side (this application was discussed at FTC Planning Committee Meeting 1 on 13/06/2022 and there were no objections)
21/01871/FUL Dobers Farm, Dobers Lane, Frodsham Two storey extension, single storey extension and first floor extension  (this application was discussed at FTC Planning Committee Meeting 2 on 26/07/2021 and there were no objections)
22/03197/FUL 117A Main Street, Frodsham Demolition of existing extensions to the rear of the building and erection of an apartment block and 4 no. townhouses, with car parking and landscaping. Change of use of the ground floor unit from bank to retail
22/03711/P14 Frodsham Manor House Primary School Langdale Way Frodsham Installation of Roof Mounted Solar Panels
22/03809/FUL 4 Bellemonte View, Rosewood Avenue, Frodsham Single storey front and side extension, replacement of flat roof with pitched roof above first floor bathroom
22/03272/FUL 21 Church Street, Frodsham Change of use from bakery to pet shop and cafe; associated alterations to premises to include, replacement shop front, alterations to windows and doors, covered outdoor seating area, new signage, internal and externals
works (retrospective)


34.    Date of next meeting

Monday 12 December 2022 at 6.30pm.