Agenda – Meeting 2 (2023/24)
10. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance
11. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
12. Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 June 2023
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
13. Opportunity for Public to Speak
14. Planning Applications
14.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
23/00867/FUL & 23/00868/LBC |
84 Main Street, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension. Erection of garden outbuilding |
23/01729/LDC | 22 Church Street, Frodsham | Application for lawful development certificate for the existing use of the terrace area for external drinking and dining space to Kash 22 (Bar and Grill) for more than four years |
23/01653/FUL | Land Rear of Royleen Drive, Frodsham | Replacement stable |
23/01653/FUL | 17 Newlands Close, Frodsham | 11 x Sycamores – Crown lift to approx 15ft to improve panoramic landscape view as per lines on photos |
23/01778/CAT | 8 Rodgers Close Frodsham | Multiple trees in woodland to be pruned back (5m) over property to be back to fence boundary |
23/01784/CAT | Pin Mill Brow, House 26, Howey Lane, Frodsham | Oak – 25% reduction due to proximity to house and high sided traffic on road. Liquid Amber – 20% reduction to previous cut points |
23/01851/CAT | 4 Millbank Cottages, Main Street, Frodsham | Cedar – 20% reduction for purposes of tree management |
23/01820/FUL | 12 Fieldway, Frodsham | Proposed rear extension |
23/01807/FUL | 22 Thirlmere Close, Frodsham | Proposed residential loft conversion including raising the roof height, roof windows and associated internal alterations. |
23/01931/CAT | West View, Vicarage Lane, Frodsham | 1. Reduce height (crown) of Silver Birch (T1) at rear of property by 7 metres 2. Reduce height (crown) of Ash at rear of property (T2) by 7 metres 3. Reduce height (crown) of Maple at rear of property (T3) by 7 metres 3. Reduce height of trees at front of property (T4 and T5) as required as it is interfering with telephone lines to neighbouring property |
23/01982/FUL | Chestnut Farmhouse, Tarvin Road, Frodsham | Change of use of an existing building to holiday let |
15. Planning Appeal APP/A0665/W/23/3317295
To note the following appeal against the decision of Cheshire West and Chester Council.
Site Address: The Cowshed Former Frodsham Golf Club Simons Lane
Frodsham Cheshire WA6 6HE
Description of development: Application to determine prior approval for a proposed change of use to residential use
Appellant’s name: Mr G Lloyd
Planning or Enforcement ref: 22/04556/PMA
Planning Inspector ref: APP/A0665/W/23/3317295
Planning Inspector:
Appeal reference: 23/00044/RPA
Appeal start date: 8 June 2023
Comment before: 13 July 2023
The above Planning Appeal was started on 8 June 2023. I am writing to let you know that an
Inspector has been appointed to determine the above appeal.
The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations so a venue is not
At its meeting on 9 January 2023, this Committee reported No objections to the proposal, but referred back to CW&C planning inspectors noting their concern about lack of windows, single track road and Woodland Trust access.
16. Date of next meeting
Monday 14 August 2023 at 6.30pm