Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 10.07.17

Draft Policy & Process Committee Minutes 10.07.17


No Item
21 Apologies for Absence – To note
22 Declarations of Interest – To note
23 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 12 June

To agree as true and accurate record.

PP Minutes 12 06 17 (1)

24 Requests from the public to speak
25 General Power of Competence

To discuss and agree to recommend that council should resolve that it now meets the criteria for GPC.


26 Committee & Working Groups
26.1 To note the notes from the Working Group and agree any actions.
26.2 To receive an update on WW1 Commemorative Group.
27 Ship Street (could be deferred to Part B if necessary)

To receive an update and agree any actions.

28 Website

To note the Communications report.

170705 Comms report to P&P Jul 5

29 Building Capacity and Capabilities: The Fiscal Challenge for Local Councils

To agree to complete the questionnaire.

30 Local Council Awards Scheme

To consider and agree entering for an award.

Local Council Award Scheme

31 Action Plan

To discuss and agree to recommend to council an Action Plan for 2017-18.

Action Plan for 2017-18

32 Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee

To agree the date & time of the next meeting and any agenda items.

33 Staff (could be deferred to Part B if necessary)

To review staffing hours and holidays.

34 Clerk’s Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

35 Date of next meeting                       14 August
36 Ship Street
37 New Office

To discuss the rent assessment.

38 Staff