Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)
Policy & Process Committee Agenda 11 09 17 (3)Process & Policy Committee Minutes 11.09.17 (3)
No | Item |
39 | Apologies for Absence – To note |
40 | Declarations of Interest – To note |
41 | Minutes of Meeting 2 – 10 July
To agree as true and accurate record. |
42 | Requests from the public to speak |
43 | WW1 Commemorative Working Group |
43.1 | To note the transfer of the budget of £2350 and £500 from the Mayor’s Fund to Castle Park Arts Centre Trust. |
43.2 | To discuss and agree to allow WW1 Commemorative Working Group to use the IBSN for the two books they wish to publish. |
44 | Grants |
44.1 | To note the number of grant applications that have been received. |
44.2 | To agree the membership of the Grants Working Group and the timetable for meeting. |
45 | Ship Street
To agree the revaluation of the land by Valuation Office Agency @ £1,500+VAT. |
46 | Town Clock
To agree to renewal the 3-year Service Contract at £621+VAT and to consider options for the maintenance of the old town clock. |
47 | Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee
To note the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21 August, to note any decisions and agree the following recommendation: R1. To set up an Events Committee with its own budget. |
48 | Website |
48.1 | To note the Communications report. |
48.2 | To agree additional admin hours for the website work at an annual cost of £599.91 for each additional hour. |
49 | Staffing Sub-committee
To discuss the need for a staffing sub-committee and to agree the Terms of Reference. |
50 | IT Renewal
To discuss and agree the replacement of 2 laptops @ £1,889.63+VAT. This price comprises £619.23+VAT each for the laptops, £16.68+VAT for a USB DVD drive, 4 years’ on-site warranty, delivery and half a day on-site technical support to set up the laptops and transfer software and data. A price to extend the onsite warranty for a fourth year will be available at the meeting. |
51 | Van
To discuss and agree whether to: a) renew the van lease for 3 years @ £186.75+VAT per month plus £1,120.50+VAT one-off charge plus £270+VAT for new decals and removal of the old ones; or b) purchase the existing 2-year-old leased van at a one-off cost of £8,675+VAT. |
52 | Asset Register |
52.1 | To amend the register to remove the bus shelter outside the supermarket & at the Quay. |
52.2 | To agree to set up a meeting with CWAC to discuss management of the rest of the shelters. |
52.3 | To set up a Working Group to work with TC to carry out a full review of the Asset Register. |
53 | General Data Protection Regulation
To note changes to the GDPR and the impact it might have. |
54 | External Audit |
54.1 | To note that the External Audit has been concluded and no matters of concern have been raised. |
54.2 | To recommend to council approval and acceptance of the Annual Return, including the External Auditor’s Certificate. |
55 | Internal Auditor
To agree to recommend to council a 3-year contract for Internal Auditor services @ £488+VAT per annum. |
56 | Improved Community Safety |
56.1 | To request a grant from PCC for £5,000 towards the cost of CCTV in the Town Centre |
56.2 | To agree to set up a working group with CWAC councillors, PCSO and other interested parties to design and cost the system. |
57 | Great British High Street
To discuss the timetable for involvement and agree any action. |
58 | Election for Overton & Five Crosses Ward
The Council has been notified by Cheshire West & Chester that the election will take place on Thursday 19 October. The Notice of Election will be displayed from 14 September. To decide whether, if the election is contested, the Council wishes to send out poll cards. Poll Cards are not mandatory and are an additional cost for the Town Council. |
59 | Clerk’s Urgent Items
To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions. |
60 | Date of next meeting 9 October |
PART B | |
61 | Ship Street – if required. |
62 | New Office – if required. |