Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2017/18)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 13.11.17 (5)

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 13.11.17 (5)


No Item
74 Apologies for Absence – To note
75 Declarations of Interest – To note
76 Minutes of Meeting 4 – 9 October

To agree as true and accurate record.

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 09.10.17 (4)

77 Requests from the public to speak
78 Frodsham Community Centre
78.1 To receive a report from Mr Williams, FCA Chair, about the proposal to change the legal status of Frodsham Community Association.
78.2 To give retrospective approval to the new footpath.
79 Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 24 October, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1: To agree that Staff will claim back any spending on small items through the expenses system and it will be paid by BACS at the same time as the salaries.

80 End of Year Forecast
80.1 To review P&P actual figures for the half year and the end of year forecast and recommend any changes to the budget to council.

80.1 P&P Action Plan & end of year projections 2017-18

80.2 To note the council actual figures for the half year and the end of year forecast.

80.2 Finance Report – end of year forecast

80.2 FTC end of year forecast

81 Action Plan & Budget 2018-19

To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it.

82 Staffing Sub-committee
82.1 To agree the Terms of Reference.

82 Staffing Sub-Committee – Terms of Reference

82.2 To agree the membership of staffing sub-committee and set a date for its first meeting.
83 Disaster Recovery Plan

To review and agree the process for updating the plan.

83 140527_DisasterRecoveryPlan

84 ICT Strategy

To review and agree the process for updating the Strategy.

84 130410_ICT Strategy – final

85 Document Retention
85.1 To review the Document Retention Strategy and recommend any changes to P&P.

85 FTC Document Retention Policy

85 – Local councils’ documents and records – revised Nov 2016

85.2 To receive an update on the audit of documents in the storage unit.
86 Trophies & Regalia

To review and agree actions.

87 Asset Register

To review and agree the register.

87 Asset Management

88 Power Point Projector

To agree the purchase of a powerpoint projector for use in council and committee meetings @ £450+delivery+VAT.

89 Controversial Planning Applications

To discuss the process for dealing with controversial planning applications.

90 Opening hours

To agree opening times over the Christmas and New Year period.

91 New Office

To receive an update and agree any actions.

92 Clerk’s Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

93 Date of next meeting                       13 December
94 New Office – if required.
