Agenda – Meeting 5 (2017/18)
Policy & Process Committee Agenda 13.11.17 (5)
Policy & Process Committee Minutes 13.11.17 (5)
No | Item |
74 | Apologies for Absence – To note |
75 | Declarations of Interest – To note |
76 | Minutes of Meeting 4 – 9 October
To agree as true and accurate record. |
77 | Requests from the public to speak |
78 | Frodsham Community Centre |
78.1 | To receive a report from Mr Williams, FCA Chair, about the proposal to change the legal status of Frodsham Community Association. |
78.2 | To give retrospective approval to the new footpath. |
79 | Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee
To note the minutes of the meeting held on 24 October, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1: To agree that Staff will claim back any spending on small items through the expenses system and it will be paid by BACS at the same time as the salaries. |
80 | End of Year Forecast |
80.1 | To review P&P actual figures for the half year and the end of year forecast and recommend any changes to the budget to council. |
80.2 | To note the council actual figures for the half year and the end of year forecast. |
81 | Action Plan & Budget 2018-19
To discuss and agree the Action Plan for 2018-19 and the budget needed to achieve it. |
82 | Staffing Sub-committee |
82.1 | To agree the Terms of Reference. |
82.2 | To agree the membership of staffing sub-committee and set a date for its first meeting. |
83 | Disaster Recovery Plan
To review and agree the process for updating the plan. |
84 | ICT Strategy
To review and agree the process for updating the Strategy. |
85 | Document Retention |
85.1 | To review the Document Retention Strategy and recommend any changes to P&P.
85 FTC Document Retention Policy 85 – Local councils’ documents and records – revised Nov 2016 |
85.2 | To receive an update on the audit of documents in the storage unit. |
86 | Trophies & Regalia
To review and agree actions. |
87 | Asset Register
To review and agree the register. |
88 | Power Point Projector
To agree the purchase of a powerpoint projector for use in council and committee meetings @ £450+delivery+VAT. |
89 | Controversial Planning Applications
To discuss the process for dealing with controversial planning applications. |
90 | Opening hours
To agree opening times over the Christmas and New Year period. |
91 | New Office
To receive an update and agree any actions. |
92 | Clerk’s Urgent Items
To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions. |
93 | Date of next meeting 13 December |
PART B | |
94 | New Office – if required. |