Agenda – Meeting 9 (2019/21)
This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.
Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.
Policy Process & Revenue Committee Agenda 26-04-2021
Draft Policy Process & Revenue Committee Minutes 26-04-2021
Audio recording
Video recording
198. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
199. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
200. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
201. Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd February 2021
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
202. Finance
- To note the Finance Report Pack March 2021. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
- To approve and sign the report.
- To note the arrangements for closing the 2020/21 accounts.
203. Annual Return
- To note that the dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights are Monday 14 June to Friday 23 July 2021.
- To note the submission deadline for the receipt of the approved AGAR and supporting documentation is Friday 2 July 2021.
204. Assets Register
- To note that PCSO N Flanagan returned the original speed indicator device to CPH on Wednesday 14th April 2021. The device was purchased by FTC (second-hand) in 2014 for £350. The device is no longer operational.
- To agree disposal of the broken speed indicator device.
- To amend the assets register to remove this speed indicator device.
205. Council Meetings May 2021 – 2022
- To note that the current legislation which enables Councils to legally hold virtual meetings expires on 7th May 2021.
- To receive a report from Cllr Griffiths and consider approval of the Virtual Meetings Policy.
FTC Virtual Meeting Policy V3 - To receive a report on the findings of a meeting held with Pastor Wintle at Main Street Community Church on 8th April to examine the suitability of the building as a potential safe venue for future meetings. The meeting was attended by the Chair of the Council and Committee Chairs Cllrs J Critchley, McKeown and Griffiths, and the Town Clerk and Admin Officer.
- To approve the use of Main Street Community Church for face to face Council meetings.
- To delegate authority to the Clerk to make appropriate IT arrangements to facilitate physical/hybrid meetings at Main Street Community Church.
- To approve the schedule of meetings for 2021 – 2022.
205(e) Meeting Schedule 2021-22 - To approve the date and time of the Annual Town Meeting.
206. Allotments
To agree a date for an allotment inspection.
207. Civic regalia
- To approve maintenance of Chairman’s chain.
- To approve addition of velvet collar to Deputy Chairman’s chain.
208. Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Junior Mayors
- To note that no Deputy Mayor was appointed in May 2020 due to the suspension of Council meetings during national lockdown.
208(a) Councillor Seniority List May 21 - To review the current selection process for the appointment of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Frodsham.
- To consider whether to select the Mayor on an annual basis by democratic vote or to combine the Chair and the Mayor role as is practice other councils.
- To consider whether to invite Frodsham CE Primary School to nominate pupils to fulfil the role of Junior Mayors in 2021/2.
209. Staffing
- To note and approve staff handbook which has been updated in line with current employment law.
209(a) Frodsham Town Council Handbook 2021 - To note and approve standard contract terms for future employees.
209(b) Frodsham Town Council Contract (hourly) 2021209(b) Frodsham Town Council Contract (salaried) 2021 - To note: Town Clerk staff appraisal has been completed by Cllrs H Hayes and J Critchley and that Cllr Hayes has recommended that the Town Clerk attends a time management course; Town Clerk to receive 1 incremental spinal point in accordance with current employment contract from 1st April 2021 (SCP 36).
210. Over 70s
To receive a report on the 2020 scheme.
210. Final Report Over 70s Voucher Scheme 2020
211. Grants 2021
To agree the grants paperwork and timetable.
212. Cemetery report
- To note that the benches at the cemetery are in a poor state of repair and agree action to be taken.
- To note that both rooms in the cemetery building are full of stored equipment and that vermin is evident in both rooms. The building requires clearing and cleaning. The infestation has been reported to Cheshire West and Chester Council pest control officer.
- To note that a request for information has been received from the Valuation Office Agency relating to the non-domestic rating of the cemetery and premises at Tarvin Road. The information must be returned by 8 June 2021.
213. Clerk’s Report
To receive any further report from the Clerk.
214. Date of Next Meeting
215. PART B – To resolve that in accordance with the provision of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations and Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item.
216. Confidential Staffing Report
- To note confidential staffing report provided by the Town Clerk.
- To agree action to be taken.