Staffing Sub-Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Staffing Sub-Committee Agenda 10 04 18 (2)

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 10 04 18 (2)


No Item
17 Apologies for Absence – To note
18 Declarations of Interest – To note
19 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 12 December 2017

To agree and sign as a true record.

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 12 12 17 (1)

20 Requests from the public to speak
21 Annual Appraisal

To receive an update on the Annual Appraisals for all staff and to agree any actions

22 Workload
22.1 To receive an update on the development of task-based workload monitoring system.
22.2 To discuss the process for managing workloads and agree actions.
23 Staff Handbook

To agree a process to review and update the Staff Handbook.

23. Staff-Handbook

24 Training Protocol

To discuss and agree a Training Protocol and recommend it to P&P.

24. Proposed Training Protocol FTC

25 Training Budget

To review the training budget following the annual appraisals and agree any changes.

26 Society of Local Council Clerks

To agree the membership of SLCC at £215+VAT.

27 Clerk’s Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

28 Date of next meeting                   

To be agreed.

29 Confidential Personnel Issues

If required – to discuss issues confidential to individual members of staff or matters which might impact the staff team.
