Frodsham Remembrance Day Services

frodsham remembrance poppy 2015 frodsham town councilREMEMBRANCE DAY 2015

You are invited to attend the following Remembrance Day arrangements made by Frodsham Town Council

Sunday 8 November

Meet at 10am at St Laurence Church. Following the service there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the Cenotaph outside the Church

Wednesday 11 November

Short service and wreath laying ceremony performed by Father Michael Mills at the Monument on the Hill at 11am, followed by tea/coffee at Forest Hills Hotel

For further information, please contact the Town Council Office, Castle Park, Frodsham, WA6 6SB Tel: 01928 735150 email:

Please click here to view a PDF with details of the Frodsham Remembrance Day Services.