Northwich Apprenticeship Jobs & Careers Fair
Thursday 25 February 2016, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Held at the Northwich Memorial Court, Chesterway, Northwich, CW9 5QJ
If you are a young person considering taking up an apprenticeship in the autumn or a parent of a young person and want to know more about what today’s apprenticeships looks like, why not pop along to the Memorial Court on Thursday 25 February, 6:00pm to 9:00pm where it plays host to around 30 top employers and training organisations. You may even get the opportunity to meet some of the employers on the night and ask them questions about the types of jobs apprentices do, pay and career prospects. You may be surprised what you may find out. For example, did you know you can now complete Higher Level Apprenticeships which enables young people to be in work and earning, whilst gaining a degree level qualification?
Employers attending on the night include Brio Leisure, Mid-Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Network Rail, the BBC and Tiger Trailers.
Why not come along and find out more.
To book a place, see:
Or contact Olivia Hoque by email or by telephone 0161 261 0319