New role for Cllr Poulton

On Sunday 26 March, Cllr Mallie Poulton started his role as an Ambassador Speaker for the Children’s Society, speaking to a packed Mothering Sunday congregation in St Michael’s Church, Huyton.

The congregation were very kind to the new speaker and, as part of his Ambassador Speaker role, Cllr Poulton presented the Fundraiser of the Year Award to one of the Society hard workers, Jeannette.

Afterwards, in his role of Mayor, Cllr Poulton presented Frodsham Bee pins to Jeannette and Rev Stevens.

Mallie will be accepting more of these invitations when his term as Mayor comes to an end.

Photo: Cllr Poulton presents award to star fundraiser Jeanette
Cllr Poulton presents award to star fundraiser Jeanette

Photo: Mayor presents Frodsham Bee pin to Rev Stevens