Notice is hereby given that
Will be held on
Saturday 1 July 2017
In the Parish Hall, Church Street, Frodsham
Residents are invited to attend from 12.30pm
to speak informally with your Town Council and other Town groups and representatives, on matters of key interest to the town including the Neighbourhood Plan, play, crime, community development, planning and community activities.
Light refreshments will be available before the meeting.
Town meeting commences at 1.30pm
The statutory Annual Town meeting is not a meeting of the Town Council but is called by the Council. It gives electors (from Frodsham) the opportunity to raise issues with the Town Council and other organisations in the town.
This can be done in 2 ways:
- By submitting a resolution to be discussed at the Town Meeting.
Written notice of the resolution must be submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting. If the resolution is passed, the Town Council is obliged to consider the matter at a subsequent meeting. - By participating and speaking to the Town Meeting.
To read the full agenda and papers for the meeting, click here.