Frodsham Town Council Chairman Cllr Alan Oulton writes:
“FTC’s Estate Manager and I have recently carried out some work on the Memorial Drive.
Unfortunately we had a fire in this area recently. Whilst in attendance the Fire Service pointed out that although they could run out hose to the top of the hill, an ambulance may have problems with access if there was an incident on the top of the hill.
This was due to overhanging dead branches. These have now been removed. Whilst in attendance we also removed a dead conifer- the most likely cause of death was lack of soil for the roots.
It also gave us an opportunity to chat to visitors: it was very nice to receive positive feedback.
NB: All H&S regulations were adhered to, with particular reference to Risk Assessment and “PUWER 1998′ Regs. Flora and Fauna were also respected.”