Deputy Mayor in Downhill Run and Festival in the Park

Deputy Town Mayor Liam Jones was one of 250 runners competing in Frodsham’s annual downhill run on Sunday, along with Frodsham’s Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Andrew Dawson.

Town Cllr Adam Wordsworth and CWaC Councillor Lynne Riley helped marshall the runners. The lead vehicle was the 4th Frodsham Scouts minibus. The Town Council gave the scouts a grant to help purchase the van.

Councillors Riley, Dawson and Jones later had a stall in the park, recruiting recruit volunteers for Castle Park friends group and asking for ideas for how the Dragon fountain within the park could be used.

Cllr Jones on his way down the hill
Ron Sayle from 4th Cheshire Scouts with Cllr Liam Jones after the Downhill Run