Find out more about UK Geoenergy Observatories proposal

You are invited to an event in Elton to find out more about the UK Geoenergy Observatories proposal for the area around Ince Marshes.

Tuesday 24 July 2018
6 pm-8 pm
Elton Community Centre, School Lane, Elton, CH2 4PU

The Natural Environment Research Council and the British Geological Survey (BGS) are two of the UK’s leading scientific organisations. The BGS has been building understanding of the UK’s geology for more than 180 years. Now it would like to create a geological observatory around Ince Marshes. It would be a world-class research site for discovery science, providing important evidence on affordable, secure and environmentally sustainable energy. It would attract some of the world’s leading earth scientists and geoengineers to study the conditions of the
environment beneath our feet.

The observatory would see boreholes drilled to different depths across a 12 km2 area. Sensors would be installed in the boreholes to observe the chemistry, groundwater, microbiology, seismology and physics of the rocks. The data will deliver a long-term environmental evidence base to inform future decisions about the use of the subsurface in the UK and the rest of the world. The data will be open and accessible to all.

Since autumn 2017, BGS has organised several opportunities to give Cheshire residents a chance to talk to it and find out more. Elton Parish Council asked it to hold a presentation especially for residents around Ince Marshes on why the science community believes the UK needs an observatory for the geological environment.

On Tuesday 24th July 201 8, BGS will be back at Elton Community Centre to explain more, to answer your questions and to listen to your views.

For more information:

Download the event flyer: UKGEOS cheshire flyer_24 July

Tel: 0115 936 3100