‘Unprecedented Times’ – Your chance to shape Cheshire West & Chester Council budget and services

Cheshire West and Chester Council wants to hear your views on how it can set a balanced budget in these unprecedented times.

Since March we have faced the biggest public health emergency in living memory and there is considerable uncertainty about future budgets. Overall, it is estimated that Cheshire West and Chester Council faces a financial gap of between £34 million and £43 million over the next four years.

It has developed proposals that focus on delivering services residents said were important when the Council Plan, Play Your Part to Thrive, was formed. These proposals are set out against three themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Communities, Environment and Economy
  • Council-wide proposals.

Cheshire West and Chester Council wants to hear:

  • Your views on the budget proposals
  • Ideas for further savings that could be made

See the dedicated website www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/councilbudget for further details of how to take part. Here you can fill in a survey, post thoughts on online ideas boards, and submit questions for an interactive online question time event in mid-November.

You can also email your views or request copies of the consultation booklet and questionnaire in alternative formats (including hardcopy) via councilbudget@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

This consultation exercise will be open until 3 December 2020.