5. Amenities Committee Minutes 14-10-2024
Agenda – Meeting 5 (2024/25)
Meeting 5
1. Apologies and reasons for absence
To receive apologies and note reasons for absence from members.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
3. Public participation
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.
4. Approval of minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee held on 2nd September 2024.
5. Town Clock
To note that the clock is fully operational and Cumbria Clocks have attended the site to ensure the clock is lit in the evenings.
6. Remembrance garden working group (Cllr J Critchley [lead], Cllr M Neild and Cllr L Sumner)
(a) To note the report provided by the working group
Remembrance Garden WG Report
(b) To note the report on a memorial tree provided by the Town Clerk
Memorial Tree Report
(c) To agree any action to be taken
7. Christmas street lighting working group (Cllr Neild [lead], Cllr D Critchley, Cllr J Critchley, Cllr Lowrie and Cllr Sumner)
(a) To note the report provided by Cllr Nield
Christmas Lighting Report
(b) To agree any action to be taken
8. Meeting with Cheshire West and Chester Councillors
(a) To note the report provided by the Town Clerk
CWAC Cllr Meeting 2-10-2024
(b) To agree any action to be taken
9. Quotes received
(a) To consider the quotation received to cut the oak that has destroyed bridge and smaller failed tree and leave stacked as habitat creation (£750.00).
(b) To consider the quotation received to fell the ash tree on bank to safe height cut and leave stacked habitat creation (£950.00).
(c) To consider the quotation received to replace the old, damaged bench at Top Road and install a cast iron Eastgate bench onto new flags (£897).
(d) To consider the quotation to provide replacement metal trellis at Green Gates Community Park between the uprights (£1,145).
(e) To consider the quotation to remove vegetation from building at the cemetery (£120).
(f) To consider any further action to be taken.
10. Finance report
(a) To note the finance report provided.
Finance Report #1
Finance Report #2
(b) To agree any actions to be taken.
11. Budget
(a) To note the budget report provided by the Town Clerk.
Budget Report
(b) To consider budget requirements for the 2025-2026 year.
12. Orchards
(a) To note the updated grant funding.
Frodsham Orchards Grant
(b) To agree action to be taken.
13. Allotments
(a) To note that all allotment holders have received a letter/email from the Town Clerk to canvas opinion on the use of herbicide to treat mare’s tail.
(b) To note that, as of 8/10/2024, there have been 3 responses from 29 letters and emails sent.
(c) To note that a group from the London Road allotment site has volunteered to deal with the mare’s tail on vacant plots on the proviso that the 2 plots remain unlet for the next 2 growing seasons.
(d) To agree any further action to be taken
14. Marshlands
To note the report on Japanese Knotweed.
15. Clerk’s report
To receive any further report/updates from the Town Clerk
16. Date of next meeting – 11th November 2024
17. Close of meeting