Amenities Committee

Event Details

Meeting 3 (2022/23)

Due to technical issues there is no recording of this meeting

3. Amenities Committee Agenda 8-08-2022

3. Amenities Committee Minutes 8-08-2022

1.     Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

2.     Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

3.     Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

4.     Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 11th July 2022

4. Amenities Committee Minutes 11-07-22

5.     Actions from the meeting held 11th July 2022

  1. To note actions taken as follows:
  2. To agree any further actions taken


27 Ship Street community orchard Clerk to obtain quotations for appropriate signage for consideration at the next Amenities Committee meeting Approx cost £200, trees need to be identified
28 Marshlands Clerk to obtain quotations for a tree audit of Marshlands TO BE ACTIONED
29a Cemetery NTC to carry out headstone testing on 500 plots under ICCM guidelines and provide written report with defects. Instructed
29b Cemetery Clerk to obtain full costings for Sanctum 2000 vaults TO BE ACTIONED


6.     Accounts

To note expenditure to date is £39,924 against a budget of £332,300. To date £2,475 has been spent on the memorial path and £23,466 on the development of Ship Street play area (31/07/2022)

7.     Grounds maintenance contract

To resolve to extend the current grounds maintenance contract with Northwich Town Council for a further 3 years to 2025 at a cost of £36,000 per annum) under Frodsham Town Council Finance Regulation 11.1(i.v) extension to existing contract.  NTC has agreed to hold the current price until 31st December 2025.

8.     Benches

  1. To note an update from the Clerk
  2. To agree further action to be taken

8a. Bench update 08-08-2022

9.     Play areas

  1. To note the play area reports circulated to all councillors
  2. To note that the annual RoSPA inspections took place on 27th July 2022.
  3. To note that the clerk received a call from The Play Inspection Company on 27th July and was advised to take one of the flat bed swings out of action asap due to safety concerns, this was actioned by contractors immediately.
  4. To note that coping stones have been stolen from the wall at Park Lane play area
  5. To note that the wooden structure at Churchfields has been vandalised
  6. To consider any action to be taken

9a.Play area reports

10.Wheel chair accessible play equipment

  1. To note that the clerk is carrying out research into the installation of a swing on Churchfields and that the estimated cost is in the region of £21,000 including safety fencing and excluding paving. This does not include pathworks to the swing.
  2. To agree further action to be taken


To approve quotation of £398 from NTC to install grave markers to 4 rows of 26 plots back-to-back along 2 concrete rafts

12.Frodsham Memorial

  1. To note that the works are scheduled to begin on 15th August with a scheduled timescale of 8 weeks
  2. To note that part of the car park will be allocated to storage and welfare for the duration of the works.
  3. To note that reports of anti-social behaviour reports should be submitted via 101.

13.Ship Street play area

  1. To note that the works are scheduled to begin on 8th August with a scheduled timescale of 13 weeks.
  2. To note that the play area will be locked for the duration of the works and that PCSO Flanagan will have access to the area.

14.Clerk’s report

To receive any additional report and consider any actions to be taken.

15.Date of next meeting – 12th September 2022

16.Close of meeting