Cemetery Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2019/20)

This meeting was originally scheduled for 25 September but has been rearranged.

Cemetery Committee Agenda 18-09-19

Cemetery Committee Minutes 18-09-19


No Item
15 Apologies
16 Declarations of interests
17 Minutes of meeting 1 of Cemetery Committee held on 5th June 2019

Cemetery Committee Minutes 5-06-19

To agree and sign as a true record

18 Opportunity for the public to speak
19 Cemetery development update

To receive a report from the Clerk

20 Cemetery Regulations

20. Cemetery Regulations 2019

To note that the Community Committee did not make a decision with regard to banning all dogs except for assistance dogs in the cemetery and consider action to be taken.

20.1 To consider changing the wording of 6.1 to: “No burials or interment of ashes will be allowed on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday”.
21 Purchase of lawn mower

To consider purchase of new lawn mower as a matter of urgency.

22 Agenda items for the next meeting

To agree any additional agenda items for the next meeting.

23 Date of next meeting(s)

11th December, 25th March

24 Close of meeting
