Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)
Amenities Committee replaces the former Community and Environment Committees.
Amenities Committee Agenda 8-10-19 (1)
Amenities Committee Minutes 8-10-19 (1)
No | Item |
1 | Election of Chair |
2 | Election of Deputy Chair |
3 | To confirm Committee membership |
4 | To approve Terms of Reference for the Committee |
5 | Apologies for absence |
6 | Declarations of Interest |
7 | Minutes of Meetings |
7.1 | To approve and sign the minutes of the Community Committee held 13th August 2019 |
7.2 | To approve and sign the minutes of the Environment Committee held 3rd September 2019 |
8 | Opportunity for Public to Speak |
9 | Play Areas
To note annual inspections carried out by The Play Inspection Company |
10 | Park Lane Park
To note that installation of a plaque by a resident has not yet taken place |
11 | Townfield Lane Play Area
To note response from CWAC Highways in relation to the restricted byway and potential signage; to note response from The Play Inspection Company with regard to fencing a children’s play area. |
11.1 | To agree any action to be taken |
12 | CWAC Consultation 20MPH Five Crosses
To agree response |
13 | Hob Hey Wood
To receive a report |
14 | Clerk’s updates
To note information items |
15 | Next meeting – 10 December 2019 |
16 | Close of meeting |