Community Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2017/18)

Community Committee Agenda 17.10.17

Community Committee Minutes 17.10.17 Draft


No Item
68 Apologies for absence
69 Declarations of Interest
70 Minutes of Meeting 4 – 19.09.17

To approve and sign as a true record.

4. Community Minutes 19.09.17

71 Opportunity for Public to Speak
72 Terms of Reference

To review and amend the Terms of Reference following the establishment of the Events Committee, and recommend them to Council.

TOR Community 2017-18 v2 Draft

73 Play Areas
73.1 Churchfields

To review the report and agree any actions.

73.1 Churchfield Report

73.2 Townfield Lane

To note the next working group meeting is planned for 25 October.

74 Field Rental Applications

To discuss and agree any rental applications.

75 Allotments
75.1 To discuss the response from CWAC about the asset transfer of Ashton Drive Allotments and agree actions.
75.2 To review the waiting list and agree actions.
76 Frodsham Christmas Festival

To note this is now being dealt with by the Events Committee.

77 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

To note this is now being dealt with by the Events Committee.

78 Cheshire County Playing Fields Association AGM

To note the AGM will be on 24 October starting at 11.30am in Crewe and agree any actions.

79 Crocus Planting

To agree a request from Frodsham & Helsby Rotary to plant crocus bulbs in 2 areas of Frodsham.

80 Christmas Lights

To note that the anchor point check has been carried out and a certificate issued.

81 Cheshire Community Action AGM

To note the CCA AGM is on 8 November at 10am in Hartford and to agree who will represent FTC.

82 Local Councils Excellence Awards

To note the Awards have been cancelled due to lack of entries.

83 Clerk’s updates

To note information items.

84 Next meeting – 21 November 2017
