Environment Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2018/19)

Environment Committee Agenda 04.09.18

Environment Committee Minutes 04.09.18


No Item
18 Apologies for Absence
19 Declarations of Interest
20 Minutes of Meeting 1 held on 3 July 2018: Acceptance & Signing

20. Environment Minutes 03.07.18

21 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
22 Wild Flower Areas

To receive a presentation from Neil Bowdler, CWAC Rural Area Service Coordinator, around establishing wild flower areas; and discuss & agree potential sites.

22. National Pollinator Strategy

23 Action Plan 2018-19

To review progress against the agreed Action Plan and agree any actions.

23. Action Plan for 2018-19

24 Budget 2018-19

To discuss the actual and planned expenditure against the agreed budget and agree any actions.

24. Budget&spend review

25 Manley Road Copse

To discuss the redevelopment of the Copse and agree actions.

26 Howey Lane

To note the timetable for the trimming back of the trees and hedges and agree any actions.

27 Litter Picking Events

To discuss and agree to hold an Impact Day on Salt Work jointly with CWAC.

28 Hob Hey Wood

To note the minutes of the Hob Hey Wood Friends Group meetings held on 2 July and 28 August, any decisions made and any recommendations or requests.

28. HHWFG Minutes 2nd July 2018

29 Tree Matters

To discuss any issues and agree actions.

30 Rights of Way

To discuss any other issues and agree actions.

31 River Weaver Navigation Society

To receive feedback and agree any actions.

32 Sandstone Ridge Signage

To receive an update on the 3 new signs to add to the boundary signs an agree any actions.

33 Clerk’s Items

Any other matters considered to be urgent for discussion, or item for next agenda

34 Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 6 November at 7pm at Castle Park House.
